Summarize the stories "A Momento of Your Service" and "Peppermint Twist" from the Steven Casey's "Set Phasers on Stun" book.
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Thursday, 27 February 2014
A momento of your service,
Book review,
Peppermint twist,
Set Phasers on Stun,
Steven Casey's,
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Consuming Kids: The commercialization of childhood
The Assignment: Students submit ONE 5 page paper, double-spaced. All papers should be in Times New Roman 12pt, with standard default margins.
Page count DOES NOT include cover page or bibliography
Value: The paper is worth 30% of the total course mark
The Topic: Students will watch the documentary Consuming Kids. They will address the following issues: Do you think that the marketing to children is a social problem? Why? What must be done about it, if anything? Use examples and a detailed argument.
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1) Sample Essay: A sample essay has been provided for you on Web CT. This is a third-year essay of a different length and of a different topic, but will give you a very good idea of format, style, and citation requirements.
2) Grading Rubric: A rubric outlining the criteria we will use for grading this paper has been made available on Web CT, so you know exactly what we are looking for when we are marking.
3) Sample APA Citation: Samples of APA in-text citation can be found online. Here is a good one:
4) Sample APA reference page:
Page count DOES NOT include cover page or bibliography
Value: The paper is worth 30% of the total course mark
The Topic: Students will watch the documentary Consuming Kids. They will address the following issues: Do you think that the marketing to children is a social problem? Why? What must be done about it, if anything? Use examples and a detailed argument.
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All information must be properly cited in APA format. The paper will include information from:
1) The Film “Consuming Kids” must be used. It is viewable online:
The course text must be used as a source. You may use any number of chapters you would like.
2) AT LEAST two peer-reviewed, academic journal articles must be used as a source (from UOIT library website). To find this, go to, click on the “Articles” tab, search, download the article/articles that best suit your paper.
3) You MAY use government websites, news, or magazine articles only if the information used is not already available in peer-reviewed journals.
4) NOTE: Lecture notes are NOT acceptable as a source.
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Mandatory Guidelines:
1) Style: May be written in either first or third person depending on student’s preference
2) Title Page: Must contain a title, professor’s name, date, and course code.
3) Page Numbering: All pages must be numbered EXCEPT the title page – the page with your intro paragraph will be page #1. (in Word, start page numbering at 0 and suppress page numbers on the title page to do this). Numbers may appear anywhere on pages as students desires.
4) Intro Paragraph: Must have an introductory paragraph which contains the following elements, in ANY ODER that you feel comfortable with:
a. The sell: A sentence or two that convinces the reader that the paper is addressing and important topic (i.e. make the reader care about your paper). Example: “poverty rates, as baker (2011) has shown, are rising dramatically in Canada, it is important, then, to explore the causes of poverty in this country.”
b. Topic Statement: A statement about WHAT your paper will explore: Example: “This paper will explore the causes of poverty in Canada”.
c. Theses Statement: A strong stance that you will be arguing with regards to the topic – often contains the word “THAT.” Example: “I will ague THAT poverty in Canada is caused by a lack of opportunity available to those with lower incomes” (Yes, you will be giving away the ending of your paper here).
d. An Outline: A very brief (one or two sentence) explanation of the form that your argument will take in the paper. Example: “In the first part of the paper, current thinking about [the topic] will be explained; this will be followed by a critical reflection on the issue”.
e. IMPORTANT: Be concise. A good introductory paragraph should be between ½ and ¾ of a double-spaced page and must NEVER exceed one page in length.
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5) Body Paragraphs: A paper this size should contain 4-8 body paragraphs that are approximately ½ to ¾ of a page in length. If you are writing a paragraph that exceeds one page, you should break it down into two separate paragraphs.
6) Topic Sentences: Each body paragraph should have a clear topic sentence (usually the first sentence) that relates directly to every other sentence in the paragraph. It is like either a thesis or topic statement for just that paragraph. It may not have to be cited if it is just your indication of the content of the paragraph to follow.
7) APA In-Text Citation: Cite properly, according to APA guidelines ALL INFORMATION YOU WERE NOT BORN KNOWING. You must cite information whether is in your own words, or is a direct quotation. Examples of APA in-text Citation are here:
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All information must be properly cited in APA format. The paper will include information from:
1) The Film “Consuming Kids” must be used. It is viewable online:
The course text must be used as a source. You may use any number of chapters you would like.
2) AT LEAST two peer-reviewed, academic journal articles must be used as a source (from UOIT library website). To find this, go to, click on the “Articles” tab, search, download the article/articles that best suit your paper.
3) You MAY use government websites, news, or magazine articles only if the information used is not already available in peer-reviewed journals.
4) NOTE: Lecture notes are NOT acceptable as a source.
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Mandatory Guidelines:
1) Style: May be written in either first or third person depending on student’s preference
2) Title Page: Must contain a title, professor’s name, date, and course code.
3) Page Numbering: All pages must be numbered EXCEPT the title page – the page with your intro paragraph will be page #1. (in Word, start page numbering at 0 and suppress page numbers on the title page to do this). Numbers may appear anywhere on pages as students desires.
4) Intro Paragraph: Must have an introductory paragraph which contains the following elements, in ANY ODER that you feel comfortable with:
a. The sell: A sentence or two that convinces the reader that the paper is addressing and important topic (i.e. make the reader care about your paper). Example: “poverty rates, as baker (2011) has shown, are rising dramatically in Canada, it is important, then, to explore the causes of poverty in this country.”
b. Topic Statement: A statement about WHAT your paper will explore: Example: “This paper will explore the causes of poverty in Canada”.
c. Theses Statement: A strong stance that you will be arguing with regards to the topic – often contains the word “THAT.” Example: “I will ague THAT poverty in Canada is caused by a lack of opportunity available to those with lower incomes” (Yes, you will be giving away the ending of your paper here).
d. An Outline: A very brief (one or two sentence) explanation of the form that your argument will take in the paper. Example: “In the first part of the paper, current thinking about [the topic] will be explained; this will be followed by a critical reflection on the issue”.
e. IMPORTANT: Be concise. A good introductory paragraph should be between ½ and ¾ of a double-spaced page and must NEVER exceed one page in length.
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5) Body Paragraphs: A paper this size should contain 4-8 body paragraphs that are approximately ½ to ¾ of a page in length. If you are writing a paragraph that exceeds one page, you should break it down into two separate paragraphs.
6) Topic Sentences: Each body paragraph should have a clear topic sentence (usually the first sentence) that relates directly to every other sentence in the paragraph. It is like either a thesis or topic statement for just that paragraph. It may not have to be cited if it is just your indication of the content of the paragraph to follow.
7) APA In-Text Citation: Cite properly, according to APA guidelines ALL INFORMATION YOU WERE NOT BORN KNOWING. You must cite information whether is in your own words, or is a direct quotation. Examples of APA in-text Citation are here:
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Everything must be cited except:
a. Your topic sentence: Since this is just a statement of what you want to explore. You also may not need to cite topic sentences of each paragraph if they are just your indication of the content of the paragraph to follow (you will have to use your common sense to decide when a topic sentence needs a citation and when it doesn’t)..
b. Your thesis sentence: Since this is by definition YOUR FINDING after critically considering all information..
c. Your Conclusion: The conclusion paragraph should be a summary of your entire paper and especially your findings. NO NEW INFORMATION should appear. Therefore there should be no need to cite anything. It is your own very concise summation of the issue.
a. Your topic sentence: Since this is just a statement of what you want to explore. You also may not need to cite topic sentences of each paragraph if they are just your indication of the content of the paragraph to follow (you will have to use your common sense to decide when a topic sentence needs a citation and when it doesn’t)..
b. Your thesis sentence: Since this is by definition YOUR FINDING after critically considering all information..
c. Your Conclusion: The conclusion paragraph should be a summary of your entire paper and especially your findings. NO NEW INFORMATION should appear. Therefore there should be no need to cite anything. It is your own very concise summation of the issue.
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8) Conclusion: All papers should have a short concluding/summary paragraph in which you (in any order you like):
a. Re-state your thesis
b. Summarize the main arguments
c. This should be little more than a summary of information and findings that you have already presented. Somebody should be able to read it without reading the rest of the paper, and know the main points you made.
d. Keep it very short – including only the most important information.
9) List of References: All papers must contain a proper APA-format list of References. Examples of a proper APA reference list are Here:
10) Overall Outline: Given the information above, the paper should roughly follow this outline (the number of paragraphs for the body sections are up to the discretion of the student):
a. Title page
b. Introductory paragraph
c. 4-8 body paragraphs
d. Concluding/summary paragraph
e. Proper APA Reference Page.
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8) Conclusion: All papers should have a short concluding/summary paragraph in which you (in any order you like):
a. Re-state your thesis
b. Summarize the main arguments
c. This should be little more than a summary of information and findings that you have already presented. Somebody should be able to read it without reading the rest of the paper, and know the main points you made.
d. Keep it very short – including only the most important information.
9) List of References: All papers must contain a proper APA-format list of References. Examples of a proper APA reference list are Here:
10) Overall Outline: Given the information above, the paper should roughly follow this outline (the number of paragraphs for the body sections are up to the discretion of the student):
a. Title page
b. Introductory paragraph
c. 4-8 body paragraphs
d. Concluding/summary paragraph
e. Proper APA Reference Page.
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1) Sample Essay: A sample essay has been provided for you on Web CT. This is a third-year essay of a different length and of a different topic, but will give you a very good idea of format, style, and citation requirements.
2) Grading Rubric: A rubric outlining the criteria we will use for grading this paper has been made available on Web CT, so you know exactly what we are looking for when we are marking.
3) Sample APA Citation: Samples of APA in-text citation can be found online. Here is a good one:
4) Sample APA reference page:
Commercialization of Childhood,
Consuming Kids,
Film Review,
Social Problem,
Monday, 24 February 2014
Understanding the Needs of Children and Adolescents of Diverse Sexual Orientation
Summit Elementary School is a new school that will open in the fall. Summit will serve approximately 500 low income students living in the inner city. The student body will consist mostly of African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans, and American Indians. Because of your extensive coursework and experience with diverse populations, you have been asked to create a small handbook for incoming teachers and mental health professionals with important information such family influences, religion, cultural characteristics, gender roles, socioeconomic status, language and communication, current issues, and best practices for working with these groups.
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The text and the assigned articles are the primary sources for this project. Remember to review all course material as this is a comprehensive Assignment. Additionally, you should use at least 2 other research articles from peer-reviewed journals that you found in the Kaplan Library. This project should be between 6-8 pages in length not including the title page and the reference page. The project should be written in essay form. You are required to give credit to the sources you use, and use proper APA formatting. Refer to the APA Quick Reference for help with APA, the Kaplan Writing Center or your instructor. Remember that all work must be your own and plagiarism is not tolerated. Be sure to review the plagiarism policy in your Syllabus.
School-Based Efforts to Prevent Cyberbullying. Justin Patchin, Sameer Hinduja, Accession # 2011763292
Peer Contexts for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Students: Reducing Stigma, Prejudice, and Discrimination. SS Horn, KE Accession # 2010868611
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CLICK HERE to get this paper!!
The text and the assigned articles are the primary sources for this project. Remember to review all course material as this is a comprehensive Assignment. Additionally, you should use at least 2 other research articles from peer-reviewed journals that you found in the Kaplan Library. This project should be between 6-8 pages in length not including the title page and the reference page. The project should be written in essay form. You are required to give credit to the sources you use, and use proper APA formatting. Refer to the APA Quick Reference for help with APA, the Kaplan Writing Center or your instructor. Remember that all work must be your own and plagiarism is not tolerated. Be sure to review the plagiarism policy in your Syllabus.
School-Based Efforts to Prevent Cyberbullying. Justin Patchin, Sameer Hinduja, Accession # 2011763292
Peer Contexts for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Students: Reducing Stigma, Prejudice, and Discrimination. SS Horn, KE Accession # 2010868611
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Best Practices,
Cyber Bullying,
Hispanic Americans,
Mental Health,
Evaluating identity formation and development in adolescence
In this final assignment you will construct a case study that demonstrates the knowledge you have gained about social relationships throughout the term. You will follow the case study with your analysis, which must rely on theories and concepts from the course.
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Refer to the document in Doc Sharing on writing case studies to assist you with this. Your case study and its analysis should specifically address the following:
• Your client's development of self and the influences on as much during early childhood.
• Evidence of your client's peer acceptance or rejection.
• How your client typifies (or goes against) the research on gender differences in communication, conflict resolution, and the development of social relationships.
• The influences of culture on your client's social relationships.
• A discussion of your client's identity formation that relies on Erikson’s theory.
This paper should be 1200 words and make direct reference to the textbook and at least three other academic sources.
APA guidelines are required for all assignments including the proper citation of all references used in the paper. Review the grading rubric for the project for more specific detail (located in the class Syllabus).
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CLICK HERE to get this paper!!
Refer to the document in Doc Sharing on writing case studies to assist you with this. Your case study and its analysis should specifically address the following:
• Your client's development of self and the influences on as much during early childhood.
• Evidence of your client's peer acceptance or rejection.
• How your client typifies (or goes against) the research on gender differences in communication, conflict resolution, and the development of social relationships.
• The influences of culture on your client's social relationships.
• A discussion of your client's identity formation that relies on Erikson’s theory.
This paper should be 1200 words and make direct reference to the textbook and at least three other academic sources.
APA guidelines are required for all assignments including the proper citation of all references used in the paper. Review the grading rubric for the project for more specific detail (located in the class Syllabus).
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Case study,
Conflict Resolution,
Early childhood,
Erikson's theory,
Identity formation and development,
Peer acceptance and rejection,
social relationships
Market Equilibration Process Paper
is the process of moving between two equilibrium points as a result of some
change in supply or demand. Understanding how market equilibrium is sought
following such a change is essential for business managers. It is important to
understand how economic principles, and specifically supply, demand, and their
determents are a part of your everyday business decisions.
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Write a paper, using a real world experience in a free market (not government regulated) to describe a change that occurred in supply or demand as a result of world events that led to the need for a move between two equilibrium states. Explain the process of how that movement occurred using behaviors of consumers and suppliers. Graph the movement between the two points as well.
Required Elements:
Include academic research to support your ideas
Consider the Law of demand and the determinants of demand
Consider the Law of supply and the determinants of supply
Describe Efficient markets theory
Explain Surplus and shortage
Deliver the content in no more than a 700-word paper.
Your assignment is consistent with APA guidelines.
Write a paper, using a real world experience in a free market (not government regulated) to describe a change that occurred in supply or demand as a result of world events that led to the need for a move between two equilibrium states. Explain the process of how that movement occurred using behaviors of consumers and suppliers. Graph the movement between the two points as well.
Required Elements:
Include academic research to support your ideas
Consider the Law of demand and the determinants of demand
Consider the Law of supply and the determinants of supply
Describe Efficient markets theory
Explain Surplus and shortage
Deliver the content in no more than a 700-word paper.
Your assignment is consistent with APA guidelines.
Consumers and suppliers,
Economic principles,
Efficient markets theory,
Equilibrium points,
Free market,
law of demand,
Law of supply,
Market equilibrium,
Supply and demand,
Surplus and shortage
Choose an organization (larger is usually better but it is your choice). Research the organization. In a 750 word essay determine and report on the company's current TQM and Continuous Improvement strategies. What tools do they use? If you determine the organization does not implement TQM or Continuous Improvement, what steps and tools would you recommend.
Support your work with at least three credible references. Follow APA format
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Support your work with at least three credible references. Follow APA format
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Continuous Improvement Strategies,
Current TQM,
Report and Visit to 13 Priority Neighbourhoods in Toronto
Report and Visit to 13 Priority Neighbourhoods in Toronto
- The attachments are the assignment outline and an example of how you are going to be writing the report.
- The report you are going to be writing is on Crescent Town. Please follow the Jane and Finch example and write the report the exact way.
- You also need to have a reference page.
- Formatting should be in APA.
- Please double check the example above on Jane and Finch to help you get this assignment started because that's how the client's teacher want it to be done.
Crescent Town,
Jane and Finch,
Priority Neighbourhoods,
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Public Workers vs. Governments
As an elected politician charged with major cuts in your state budget, how would you negotiate with the public sector unions? As a public sector union leader, how would you negotiate with the state legislature? What are some of the rights (employment laws) that protect each side?
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Your paper must include at least one citation from an article (see below or research on your own) and one citation from the text. Your response should integrate the concepts from the text. Please be sure to include in text citations and references.
The book to use: Snell, Scott, and George W. Bohlander. Managing Human Resources. Mason, OH: South-Western, 2013. Print.
Read more:
Source: Thomas Kochan, “Protective bargaining: How to prevent the labor wars,” Boston Review (March 23, 2011), ; “The battle ahead: The struggle with public-sector unions should be about productivity and parity, not just spending cuts,” The Economist (January 6, 2011), ; David Morris, “When unions are strong, Americans enjoy the fruits of their labor,” Huffington Post (April 8, 2011), .
Your paper must include at least one citation from an article (see below or research on your own) and one citation from the text. Your response should integrate the concepts from the text. Please be sure to include in text citations and references.
The book to use: Snell, Scott, and George W. Bohlander. Managing Human Resources. Mason, OH: South-Western, 2013. Print.
Read more:
Source: Thomas Kochan, “Protective bargaining: How to prevent the labor wars,” Boston Review (March 23, 2011), ; “The battle ahead: The struggle with public-sector unions should be about productivity and parity, not just spending cuts,” The Economist (January 6, 2011), ; David Morris, “When unions are strong, Americans enjoy the fruits of their labor,” Huffington Post (April 8, 2011), .
Elected Politician,
George W Bohlander,
Managing Human Resources,
Public Sector Unions,
Public Workers,
State budget,
State Legislature,
Union Leader
Write a paper on a documentary: “Consuming Kids”
Topic: Write a paper on a documentary:
Additional Details:
-The Film “Consuming Kids” must be used. It is viewable online:
-A rubric is also attached for marking details
-The 2 peer reviewed articles are provided within the attachments
-There is a sample paper attached to give you an idea of what is needed.
-Lecture notes are attached in the form of PowerPoint slides which should be referenced using the following text book information:
Tepperman & Curtis. (2013). Principles in Sociology, 3rd Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
What is Sociology - Chapter 1 (covered in powerpoint lecture 1)
Culture and Socialization Chpt 2 (32-45) Chpt 3 (58-70) (covered in lecture 2 power point)
Inequalities of Class, Gender, Ethnicity Chpt 6 (126-129)
Chpt 7 (133-146)
Chpt 8 (158-164 ) (these 3 chapters covered in lecture 3 power point)
Mass Media and Communication -Chapter 17 (covered in lecture 4 powerpoint)
Additional Details:
-The Film “Consuming Kids” must be used. It is viewable online:
-A rubric is also attached for marking details
-The 2 peer reviewed articles are provided within the attachments
-There is a sample paper attached to give you an idea of what is needed.
-Lecture notes are attached in the form of PowerPoint slides which should be referenced using the following text book information:
Tepperman & Curtis. (2013). Principles in Sociology, 3rd Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
What is Sociology - Chapter 1 (covered in powerpoint lecture 1)
Culture and Socialization Chpt 2 (32-45) Chpt 3 (58-70) (covered in lecture 2 power point)
Inequalities of Class, Gender, Ethnicity Chpt 6 (126-129)
Chpt 7 (133-146)
Chpt 8 (158-164 ) (these 3 chapters covered in lecture 3 power point)
Mass Media and Communication -Chapter 17 (covered in lecture 4 powerpoint)
Consuming Kids,
Culture and socialization,
Film Review,
Inequalities of Class Gender Ethnicity,
Mass media and communication,
Principles in Sociology,
Tepperman & Curtis,
What is sociology
Wild Life by Molly Gloss
In the very first introductory segment of this book the granddaughter who discovered the manuscript writes to her sister “… it was after Grandmother went up into the woods looking for Harriet ---- or rather, after she came home____ that her writing turned a corner and her reputation as a serious writer was made…..”
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Accepting the idea that Charlotte grew as a person from her experiences in the woods, explore the change in her perceptions of others, her roles as a writer and parent, and the reality she lived in. You may wish to draw upon some of the perspectives we’ve explored to date: humans as a mixture of animal and self-conscious, acculturated, rational beings, Perry’s Model of Cognitive Development, Berger’s Socially Constructed Reality, or even Plato’s Allegory. Who was she as the story started (why was she this way?)? What were the limitations to this persona? How did the traumatic experience allow her to grow and in what ways?
Draw specific examples and quotes from the book to support your narrative.
Write 2 pages
Accepting the idea that Charlotte grew as a person from her experiences in the woods, explore the change in her perceptions of others, her roles as a writer and parent, and the reality she lived in. You may wish to draw upon some of the perspectives we’ve explored to date: humans as a mixture of animal and self-conscious, acculturated, rational beings, Perry’s Model of Cognitive Development, Berger’s Socially Constructed Reality, or even Plato’s Allegory. Who was she as the story started (why was she this way?)? What were the limitations to this persona? How did the traumatic experience allow her to grow and in what ways?
Draw specific examples and quotes from the book to support your narrative.
Write 2 pages
Berger's socially constructed reality,
Perry's model of cognitive development,
Plato's Allegory,
Wild Life by Molly Gloss,
Assignment 2: Presidential Election
Despite commonly held beliefs about the popularity of presidents, presidents are elected by the Electoral College. This uniquely American institution consists of representatives of each state who cast the final ballots that actually elect the president. The total numbers of electors for each state is equal to the number of senators and representatives from that state in the U.S. Congress. The District of Columbia is accorded three electoral votes bringing the total number of votes to 538. Thus, the magic number for winning the presidency is 270 votes.
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Research the most recent presidential election using the Argosy University online library resources and the Internet and write a paper on the topic. Include the following in your paper:
Identify the major issues of concern to voters and compare how each presidential candidate addressed those issues.
Summarize information relevant to the issues and the elections.
Evaluate the validity of each candidate’s arguments.
Cite your sources and prepare a title and reference page according to APA standards.
Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format (excluding title and reference pages). Apply APA standards for writing style to your work. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc.
Research the most recent presidential election using the Argosy University online library resources and the Internet and write a paper on the topic. Include the following in your paper:
Identify the major issues of concern to voters and compare how each presidential candidate addressed those issues.
Summarize information relevant to the issues and the elections.
Evaluate the validity of each candidate’s arguments.
Cite your sources and prepare a title and reference page according to APA standards.
Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format (excluding title and reference pages). Apply APA standards for writing style to your work. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc.
District of Columbia,
Electoral College,
Presidential Candidate,
Presidential Elections,
U.S Congress,
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Journal Articles on Policing Review
Review 4 criminology journal articles on policing
Topic: Journal Articles on Policing Review
Topic: Journal Articles on Policing Review
- The articles are attached.
- You need analyze them to identify key ideas and reflect on commonalities or differences while critiquing the articles separately.
One term paper with foot/end notes and bibliography. Students are expected to develop an issue related to the course material. Typical topics include studies of a single work of art, work produced under the patronage of a particular individual or clan, a particular aspect of a single artist's work, or a carefully delimited discussion about the development of a particular type of subject matter.
1) please choose 4-5 modern Asian paintings in 1895-1920 for the paper.
2) please use 2 book sources and 1 web source at least.
3) please use the "The art of modern China / Julia F. Andrews and Kuiyi Shen" as one of the book sources since my instructor wrote it.
4) please write the art work title and artist name clearly so i can find the image of it later on.
1) please choose 4-5 modern Asian paintings in 1895-1920 for the paper.
2) please use 2 book sources and 1 web source at least.
3) please use the "The art of modern China / Julia F. Andrews and Kuiyi Shen" as one of the book sources since my instructor wrote it.
4) please write the art work title and artist name clearly so i can find the image of it later on.
Artist's work,
Asian Paintings,
Julia F. Andrews,
Kuiyi Shen,
The art of modern China,
Work of art
Implementation plan for your organization
Resource: Implementation Plan Template
Create an implementation plan for your organization, one of the Virtual Organizations, or a project from the websites such as or a state RFP site.
Include the following:
⦁ Business strategies for implementation
⦁ Both technology- and human-based safeguards used for information systems
⦁ Information comparing security requirements of out-sourcing and in-sourcing
⦁ Comparison of technical, user, and system training documentation
⦁ Timelines and the need for their accuracy
⦁ Reference page
Implementation Plan Template
Use the following template to create your implementation plan in Week Four.
Project Name or Identification:
Project Stakeholders
· Names
· Titles or roles
· Contact information
Project Description
· Background
· Description of the challenge or opportunity
· Overview of the desired impact
Measurable Organizational Value (MOV)
· Project’s overall goal and measure of success
· What elements of the project provide value to the organization?
· ROI (return on investment) and cost versus benefit
· Statement or table format
Terminology or Glossary
Appendices (as necessary)
Create an implementation plan for your organization, one of the Virtual Organizations, or a project from the websites such as or a state RFP site.
Include the following:
⦁ Business strategies for implementation
⦁ Both technology- and human-based safeguards used for information systems
⦁ Information comparing security requirements of out-sourcing and in-sourcing
⦁ Comparison of technical, user, and system training documentation
⦁ Timelines and the need for their accuracy
⦁ Reference page
Use the following template to create your implementation plan in Week Four.
Project Name or Identification:
Project Stakeholders
· Names
· Titles or roles
· Contact information
Project Description
· Background
· Description of the challenge or opportunity
· Overview of the desired impact
Measurable Organizational Value (MOV)
· Project’s overall goal and measure of success
· What elements of the project provide value to the organization?
· ROI (return on investment) and cost versus benefit
· Statement or table format
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Project Scope
· What will be included in the scope of this project?
· What will be considered outside the scope of this project?
· What are the project’s main deliverables?
· Provide a statement and description.
Project Schedule Summary
· Project start date
· Project end date
· Timeline of project phases and milestones
· Project reviews and review dates
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Project Budget Summary
· Total project budget
· Budget broken down by phase
Quality Issues
· Specific quality requirements
Resources Required
· People
· Technology
· Facilities
· Other
· Resources to be provided
o Resource
o Name of resource provider
o Date to be provided
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Assumptions and Risks
· Assumptions used to develop estimates
· Key risks, probability of occurrence, and impact
· Organizational or time constraints
· Risks of not doing this project
· Assess dependencies on other projects or areas within or outside the organization
· Assessment project’s impact on the organization
· Outstanding issues
· Formulation of key project risk mitigation strategies
Project Administration
· Communications plan
· Scope management plan
o The change control process
· Quality management plan
o Testing procedures related to the implementation
· Change management plan
· Human resources plan
Project Scope
· What will be included in the scope of this project?
· What will be considered outside the scope of this project?
· What are the project’s main deliverables?
· Provide a statement and description.
Project Schedule Summary
· Project start date
· Project end date
· Timeline of project phases and milestones
· Project reviews and review dates
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Project Budget Summary
· Total project budget
· Budget broken down by phase
Quality Issues
· Specific quality requirements
Resources Required
· People
· Technology
· Facilities
· Other
· Resources to be provided
o Resource
o Name of resource provider
o Date to be provided
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Assumptions and Risks
· Assumptions used to develop estimates
· Key risks, probability of occurrence, and impact
· Organizational or time constraints
· Risks of not doing this project
· Assess dependencies on other projects or areas within or outside the organization
· Assessment project’s impact on the organization
· Outstanding issues
· Formulation of key project risk mitigation strategies
Project Administration
· Communications plan
· Scope management plan
o The change control process
· Quality management plan
o Testing procedures related to the implementation
· Change management plan
· Human resources plan
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Implementation and Continued Maintenance and Project Closure Plan
· What data or existing format will need to be changed?
· What production systems will be handled?
· What downtime will be needed?
· How will the integration be communicated?
· How will the new system be deployed (pilot, phased, parallel, plunge, and so on)?
· Support and maintenance
o Technical, user, and system training documentation
o System support roles and functions
· Project closure
Acceptance and Approval
· Names, signatures, and dates for approval
· The implementation plan approval processes associated with sponsors and stakeholders
Implementation and Continued Maintenance and Project Closure Plan
· What data or existing format will need to be changed?
· What production systems will be handled?
· What downtime will be needed?
· How will the integration be communicated?
· How will the new system be deployed (pilot, phased, parallel, plunge, and so on)?
· Support and maintenance
o Technical, user, and system training documentation
o System support roles and functions
· Project closure
Acceptance and Approval
· Names, signatures, and dates for approval
· The implementation plan approval processes associated with sponsors and stakeholders
Terminology or Glossary
Appendices (as necessary)
business Strategies,
Implementation Plan Template,
Information systems,
Virtual organizations
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Choose celebrity and brand
You should
choose celebrity and brand, which never was before.
The theme board should have between 10 minimum and 12
maximum frames. The theme board should use frameworks, concepts of branding to
examine the link between a chosen celebrity and chosen brand.
Covering statement
This should be useful
explain, discuss
and evaluate the theme board. This should be submitted along with
your theme
board. The word limit for this is 1500 words, +/- 10%. This should be in
format and not in report format.
Marking criteria for
creative and visual theme board – overall weighting of theme board is 50% -
size A2, between 10 to 12 visuals
one business brand (product or service or technology or retail) to link with
a celebrity brand, currently not linked = 10 marks
the brand typology model to demonstrate the link between the business brand
and celebrity brand = 10 marks
how the business and celebrity brand might influence one specific target
segment = 20 marks
what way does the business and celebrity brand personality reflect/relate to
a typical individual from the target segment = 20 marks
might the business and celebrity brand project at least two attributes of
added value = 20 marks
three key business/celebrity brand values? = 20 marks
the celebrity and brand are not currently linked
an image or key words or a form of visual expression, that will help you encode (visually
explain) the link
The celebrity must
not be endorsing other brands within the same organisation
PEST model
an image or key word or a form of visual expression to express celebrity typology
an imaginative visual expression to demonstrate the connect between brand and
the endorser
Brand typology
visual images to express persona of
the target segment
persona should
include relevant mix from below:
& hobbies
that you think are relevant to your brand
Use pen portraits
visual expression to express brand personality
visual expression to express celebrity personality
a visual expression to show a clear link back to the target market persona
ELM model
Brand personality
Meaning transfer
visual expression to show current positioning
of brand
visual expression to show desired positioning of brand along two attributes
of added value model
express how chosen celebrity endorser might help facilitate this linking back
to brand
personality model
Levels of product
visual expression to recommend three authentic
brand values that you want the brand to project, as a result of the link
between brand and chosen endorser?
theme board should show clear links and progression, between all the visuals
from start to finish telling your visual story
Brand values models
Determinants of
celebrity endorsement model
out of 10 =
out of 10 =
out of 20 =
out of 20 =
out of 20 =
out of 20 =
Marking criteria for
academic covering statement – overall weighting is 50% - 1500 words does not
include tables & diagrams, use Harvard Referencing System
choice of business brand (product or service or technology or retail) to link
with a celebrity brand, currently not linked = 10 marks, 150 words
the brand typology link between the
business brand and celebrity brand = 10 marks, 150 words
how the business and celebrity brand might influence one specific target
segment = 20 marks, 300 words
how business and celebrity brand personality relates to a typical individual
from the target segment = 20 marks,
300 words
how might the business and celebrity brand project at least two attributes of
added value = 20 marks, 300 words
the three key business/celebrity brand values? = 20 marks, 300 words
your choice of brand and celebrity
and discuss the visual
expression, that you used to encode
the link
visual expressions used to express brand typology, celebrity typology
and the connect between brand and the
relevant model
the persona of the target segment
should have included relevant mix from below:
& hobbies
that you think are relevant to your brand
visual expression to express brand personality
visual expression to express celebrity personality
how brand/celebrity personalities link back to the target market persona
relevant model
current versus desired positioning of brand along two attributes of added
how chosen celebrity endorser might help facilitate this by linking back to
relevant model
the recommended three authentic brand values that you want the brand to
project, as a result of the link between brand and chosen endorser?
relevant model
out of 10 =
out of 10 =
out of 20 =
out of 20 =
out of 20 =
out of 20 =
Harvard Referencing
This is absolutely vital. You must
apply this system of referencing to how you reference in the text and how you
present your references in the reference section.
You will also be
provided with a set of power-point slides with citation and referencing
information which will help. If your
work is not properly referenced you are likely to see an impact on your
assessment grade. You also need to make
sure that you do not plagiarise as this will result in a fail or worse an inability
to pass this year. If you are unsure
what constitutes plagiarism please check your induction material or visit the
on-line Library resources.
HINT: Have a look at top quality journal articles!
Also: Refer to the following book which may help your
approach and understanding of Harvard referencing:
Pears R & Shields G (2013) Cite Them Right: The essential Referencing
Guide (9th edition) Basingstoke, Hants: Palgrave Macmillan
Chernatony, L., Macdonald, M. and Wallace, E. (4th
Edition) Creating Powerful Brands,
Elsevier: Butterworth-Heinemann.
For each submission for this assignment, you are to find a news item from a reliable source and explain how this news item is relevant to the concepts studied in this course.
For example: if the news item was about the Bank of Bob (a Canadian bank based in Vancouver) being purchased by Bob’s International Bank (a banking conglomerate based in Elbonia), then you could explain that this was an example of an internationalisation strategy by Bob’s International Bank to break into the Canadian market and that it also involved the ‘regulatory’ part of the external environment. Depending on the circumstances, there might be other concepts that are covered in this example: mergers and acquisitions, for example.
Similarly, articles about a new trade agreement, new local regulations, trade disputes or even world political events can be used for this assignment since they all can be related to concepts discussed in various chapters of the text.
For each submission for this assignment, you are to find a news item from a reliable source and explain how this news item is relevant to the concepts studied in this course.
For example: if the news item was about the Bank of Bob (a Canadian bank based in Vancouver) being purchased by Bob’s International Bank (a banking conglomerate based in Elbonia), then you could explain that this was an example of an internationalisation strategy by Bob’s International Bank to break into the Canadian market and that it also involved the ‘regulatory’ part of the external environment. Depending on the circumstances, there might be other concepts that are covered in this example: mergers and acquisitions, for example.
Similarly, articles about a new trade agreement, new local regulations, trade disputes or even world political events can be used for this assignment since they all can be related to concepts discussed in various chapters of the text.
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The point of the assignment is to show you how the concepts discussed in class and in your text play out in ‘real life’ and why keeping up with the news is important.
The assignment should be no more than 2 pages (and probably less) and should be word processed with 1” margins, double-spaced and use a 12-point font.

Important rules:
No information sharing. It is understood that people may end up being interested in – and, therefore, writing about – the same news stories BUT no cooperation of any kind is allowed for the news analysis. You must present your own, individual analysis and perspective. Copying from other students is cheating. Copying from print or online references without citation is cheating. Cite all sources, notably the sources for news stories, and for commentary or analysis you may have read that influenced your own analysis.
Entries should be organized as follows:
1. Your news analysis. Two substantive pages maximum;
2. The reference(s) for your news analysis; include web link for both the news item and any other online sources/resources used (if any);
3. Copy of the news story if not available online (cut & paste or scanned).
The point of the assignment is to show you how the concepts discussed in class and in your text play out in ‘real life’ and why keeping up with the news is important.
The assignment should be no more than 2 pages (and probably less) and should be word processed with 1” margins, double-spaced and use a 12-point font.

Important rules:
No information sharing. It is understood that people may end up being interested in – and, therefore, writing about – the same news stories BUT no cooperation of any kind is allowed for the news analysis. You must present your own, individual analysis and perspective. Copying from other students is cheating. Copying from print or online references without citation is cheating. Cite all sources, notably the sources for news stories, and for commentary or analysis you may have read that influenced your own analysis.
Entries should be organized as follows:
1. Your news analysis. Two substantive pages maximum;
2. The reference(s) for your news analysis; include web link for both the news item and any other online sources/resources used (if any);
3. Copy of the news story if not available online (cut & paste or scanned).
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Relevance and logical reasoning are weighted heavily in the grading, i.e., your ability to identify information central to strategic management, to distinguish facts from opinions and rumours, and to apply the course concepts. Clear and thoughtful writing is rewarded implicitly because credit is given for logical and understandable arguments. Good original thinking may receive extra credit.
Relevance and logical reasoning are weighted heavily in the grading, i.e., your ability to identify information central to strategic management, to distinguish facts from opinions and rumours, and to apply the course concepts. Clear and thoughtful writing is rewarded implicitly because credit is given for logical and understandable arguments. Good original thinking may receive extra credit.
Bank of Bob,
Banking Conglomerate,
Bob's International Bank,
Canadian Bank,
News analysis,
News Item Analysis,
Health Screening and History of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client (A Direct Care Experience)
Health Screening and History of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client (A Direct Care Experience)
In this assignment, you will be completing a comprehensive health screening and history on a young adult. To complete this assignment, do the following:
Select an adolescent or young adult client on whom to perform a health screening and history. Students who do not work in an acute setting may "practice" these skills with a patient, community member, neighbor, friend, colleague, or loved one.
Complete the "Health History and Screening of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client" worksheet.
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Format the write-up in a manner that is easily read, computer-generated, neat, and without spelling errors.
Complete the assignment as outlined on the worksheet, including:
1. Biographical Data
2. Past Health History
3. Family History: Obstetrics History (if applicable) and Well Young Adult Behavioral Health History Screening
4. Review of Systems
5. Include all components of the health history
6. Use correct acronyms or abbreviations when indicated
7. Develop three Nursing Diagnoses for this client based on the health history and screening. Include: one actual nursing diagnosis, one wellness nursing diagnosis, one "Risk For" nursing diagnosis, and your rationale for the choice of each nursing diagnosis for this client.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
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In this assignment, you will be completing a comprehensive health screening and history on a young adult. To complete this assignment, do the following:
Select an adolescent or young adult client on whom to perform a health screening and history. Students who do not work in an acute setting may "practice" these skills with a patient, community member, neighbor, friend, colleague, or loved one.
Complete the "Health History and Screening of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client" worksheet.
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Format the write-up in a manner that is easily read, computer-generated, neat, and without spelling errors.
Complete the assignment as outlined on the worksheet, including:
1. Biographical Data
2. Past Health History
3. Family History: Obstetrics History (if applicable) and Well Young Adult Behavioral Health History Screening
4. Review of Systems
5. Include all components of the health history
6. Use correct acronyms or abbreviations when indicated
7. Develop three Nursing Diagnoses for this client based on the health history and screening. Include: one actual nursing diagnosis, one wellness nursing diagnosis, one "Risk For" nursing diagnosis, and your rationale for the choice of each nursing diagnosis for this client.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
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Comprehensive Health Screening,
Direct Care Experience,
Health history and Screening of an adolescent or Young Adult Client,
Health Screening,
Young Adult Client
Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment
In this assignment, you will be exploring actual and potential health problems in the childhood years using a functional health assessment and Erickson's Stages of Child Development. To complete this assignment, do the following:
1. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
2. Using the textbook, complete the "Children's Functional Health Pattern Assessment." Follow the instructions in the resource for completing the assignment.
3. Cite and reference any outside sources used in your answers. Include in your assessment a thorough discussion of Erickson's Stages of Child Development as it pertains to the development age of the child.
4. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
Please provide at least 3 sourches
The assignment is using the template I provided.
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1. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
2. Using the textbook, complete the "Children's Functional Health Pattern Assessment." Follow the instructions in the resource for completing the assignment.
3. Cite and reference any outside sources used in your answers. Include in your assessment a thorough discussion of Erickson's Stages of Child Development as it pertains to the development age of the child.
4. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
Please provide at least 3 sourches
The assignment is using the template I provided.
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Children's Functional Health Pattern Assessment,
Development age,
Erickson's Stages of Child Development,
Grading Rubric,
Health Assessment,
Health Problems
Monday, 17 February 2014
About TMA:
About TMA:
The TMA covers the financial accounting concepts and practices in the businesses. It is marked out of 100 and is worth 20% of the overall assessment component. It is intended to assess students’ understanding of some of the learning points within Books 9 and 11. This TMA requires you to apply the course concepts.
The TMA is intended to:
ØIncrease the students’ knowledge about the reality of the accounting as a profession.
ØAssess students’ understanding of key learning points within the books.
ØDevelop the ability to understand and interact with the nature of the financial statements in reality.
ØDevelop students’ communication skills, such as memo writing, essay writing, analysis and presentation of material.
ØDevelop basic ICT skills such as using the internet.
The TMA covers the financial accounting concepts and practices in the businesses. It is marked out of 100 and is worth 20% of the overall assessment component. It is intended to assess students’ understanding of some of the learning points within Books 9 and 11. This TMA requires you to apply the course concepts.
The TMA is intended to:
ØIncrease the students’ knowledge about the reality of the accounting as a profession.
ØAssess students’ understanding of key learning points within the books.
ØDevelop the ability to understand and interact with the nature of the financial statements in reality.
ØDevelop students’ communication skills, such as memo writing, essay writing, analysis and presentation of material.
ØDevelop basic ICT skills such as using the internet.
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The TMA:
This TMA is based around two cases of Compass Group and Relevant Information and Opportunity Costs. Marks will be awarded for blending the context of each case and with relevant theory by means of your own interpretation. In addition to this, some research is required.
The TMA requires you to:
1- Review various study Books (9 and 11) of ’Certificate in Accounting’.
2- Conduct a simple information search using the internet.
3- Present your findings in not more than 1,550 words (700 words for part A and 850 for part B). The word count excludes headings, references, title page, and diagrams.
4- You should use a Microsoft Office Word and Times New Roman Font of 14 points.
5- You should read and follow the instructions below carefully. Each part of the process will carry marks for the assignment.
The TMA:
This TMA is based around two cases of Compass Group and Relevant Information and Opportunity Costs. Marks will be awarded for blending the context of each case and with relevant theory by means of your own interpretation. In addition to this, some research is required.
The TMA requires you to:
1- Review various study Books (9 and 11) of ’Certificate in Accounting’.
2- Conduct a simple information search using the internet.
3- Present your findings in not more than 1,550 words (700 words for part A and 850 for part B). The word count excludes headings, references, title page, and diagrams.
4- You should use a Microsoft Office Word and Times New Roman Font of 14 points.
5- You should read and follow the instructions below carefully. Each part of the process will carry marks for the assignment.
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The TMA Questions
Part A: Absorption and Marginal Costing
Golden Star Company manufactures and sells a unique product that has been quickly accepted by the consumers. The results of last month’s operations are shown below (absorption costing basis):
Criteria for Grade Distribution:
Structure and Presentation of ideas
Total marks
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Part A
Part B
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The TMA Questions
Part A: Absorption and Marginal Costing
Golden Star Company manufactures and sells a unique product that has been quickly accepted by the consumers. The results of last month’s operations are shown below (absorption costing basis):
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Variable selling and administrative expenses are $2 per unit. Variable manufacturing costs total $10 per unit, and fixed manufacturing overhead costs total $48,000 per month. There was no beginning inventory. The company produced 12,000 units during the month.
1- Restate Golden Star’s income statement in contribution margin format, using variable costing.
2- Reconcile the variable costing and absorption costing net income figures.
3- State which costing approach is used in published financial statements, and briefly explain the usefulness of the other approach.
4- The easiest way to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant costs is by cost behavior; variable costs are relevant costs and fixed costs are irrelevant costs. Explain why you do or do not agree with this statement and support your answer with suitable example(s).
Sales (10,000 units @ $20)
Less: cost of goods sold (10,000 units @ $14)
Gross margin
Less: selling and administrative expenses
Net income
$ 15,000
1- Restate Golden Star’s income statement in contribution margin format, using variable costing.
2- Reconcile the variable costing and absorption costing net income figures.
3- State which costing approach is used in published financial statements, and briefly explain the usefulness of the other approach.
4- The easiest way to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant costs is by cost behavior; variable costs are relevant costs and fixed costs are irrelevant costs. Explain why you do or do not agree with this statement and support your answer with suitable example(s).
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[Marks (Words): 15(150) + 10(150) + 10(200) + 10(200) = 45(700)]
Part B: Capital Investment Decisions
The fruit pies are currently sold for $4 per pie. Unit operating costs, fixed overhead costs and selling price are expected to remain constant throughout the five year period.
a- Using data relating only to the new machine:
1- Calculate the net present value of the new machine. The New Hotel Group expects that its cost of capital will be 8% throughout the period.
2- Calculate the payback period of the new machine.
b- Using present value calculations, determine whether the existing machine should bereplaced by the new machine. Assume that the existing machinery could be sold for$150,000 immediately, if it were replaced.
c- Discuss the nonfinancial factors would you recommend that Hotel Group executives take into consideration regarding this proposal.
d- If the Hotel Group’s management is uncertain about the accuracy of the cost savings that have been estimated for this proposal. Explain the actions that they can take to ensure that the estimates of: costs, revenues, and cash flows are not overly optimistic or pessimistic.
[Marks (Words): 15(150) + 10(150) + 10(150) +10(200) + 10(200) = 55(850)]
In your answer, you should explain each point or inquire separately. Use the following headings (below) to make up the different sections of your work:
[Marks (Words): 15(150) + 10(150) + 10(200) + 10(200) = 45(700)]
Part B: Capital Investment Decisions
The management of a New Hotel Group is deciding whether to scrap an old but still serviceable machine bought five years ago to produce fruit pies, and replace it with a newer type of machine. It is expected that the demand for the fruit pies will last for further five years only and will be as follows:
Number of pies
produced and sold
Each machine is capable of meeting these requirements. Data for two machines are as follows:
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Capital cost
Operating cost per unit:
| ||
Direct labor
Variable overheads
Fixed overheads per unit:
| ||
Allocated costs (75% direct labor)
a- Using data relating only to the new machine:
1- Calculate the net present value of the new machine. The New Hotel Group expects that its cost of capital will be 8% throughout the period.
2- Calculate the payback period of the new machine.
b- Using present value calculations, determine whether the existing machine should bereplaced by the new machine. Assume that the existing machinery could be sold for$150,000 immediately, if it were replaced.
c- Discuss the nonfinancial factors would you recommend that Hotel Group executives take into consideration regarding this proposal.
d- If the Hotel Group’s management is uncertain about the accuracy of the cost savings that have been estimated for this proposal. Explain the actions that they can take to ensure that the estimates of: costs, revenues, and cash flows are not overly optimistic or pessimistic.
[Marks (Words): 15(150) + 10(150) + 10(150) +10(200) + 10(200) = 55(850)]
In your answer, you should explain each point or inquire separately. Use the following headings (below) to make up the different sections of your work:
The PT3 form (It is Available on LMS)
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Title and contents page
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Part A
Absorption and Marginal Costing
Part B
Capital Investment Decisions
References (Recorded according to the Harvard style - Available on LMS)
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