2. If you were building a computer to be used in an Earth to Mars voyage, would you be likely to use some form of flash memory or RAM as main memory? Describe the critical advantages and disadvantages of each when operating in this environment and explain why your choice makes the most sense.
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3.Consider the interface between a computer and a printer. For a typical printout it is clearly impractical to send output data to the printer one byte or one word at a time (especially over a network!). Instead, data to be printed is stored in a buffer at a known location in memory and transferred in blocks to memory in the printer. A controller in the printer then handles the actual printing from the printer’s memory.
The printer’s memory is not always sufficient to hold the entire printout data at one time. Printer problems, such as an ‘‘out of paper’’ condition, can also cause delays. Devise and describe, in as much detail as you can, an interrupt/DMA scheme that will assure that all documents will be successfully printed.
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4. Discuss the major differences, similarities, advantages, and disadvantages between bus I/O and channel I/O.
5.Discuss the trade-offs between bus-based and switched Ethernet. State the various conditions under which one or the other would be preferred and explain why.
6. There are four different ‘‘addresses’’ that are normally used during the passage of a message from source to destination using TCP/IP and Ethernet. These include a ‘‘user-friendly’’ address, a port number, an IP address, and a physical address. For each ‘‘address’’ state which layer or pair of layers uses that address and explain carefully how the address is used.
7. What operating system functions would you expect to find in the computer that is built in to control your automobile, and which functions would be omitted? Provide at least two of each. Justify your answer.
8. Use the following four processes that have arrived in the ready queue in the sequence shown below and answer the following about process scheduling:
Process 1 has a total run time of 20 seconds and a priority of 2, but it will require 15 seconds of I/O after 10 seconds of execution
Process 2 has a total run time of 25 seconds, a priority of 1, but it will require 10 seconds of I/O after 20 seconds of execution
Process 3 has a total run time of 5 seconds and a priority of 3
Process 4 has a total run time of 30 seconds, a priority of 1, but it will require 20 seconds of I/O after 10 seconds of execution
(i)Both shortest job first and non-preemptive priority queue scheduling algorithms will complete all four processes at the same time, but not in the same order. In which algorithm will Process 1 finish first? Provide the time Process 1 finishes for each algorithm and explain your answer.
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(ii) If the round robin with priority queues scheduling algorithm is used, which process will finish second? At what time will it complete?
b.Using a variable-partitioned multiprogramming memory, which of the four holes shown below will be used to satisfy a 35 KB program requirement under the conditions of:
0-15 KB
15-40 KB
40-125 KB
125-155 KB
155-275 KB
275-315 KB
315-420 KB
420-465 KB
465-505 KB
Hole A
Hole B
Hole C
Hole D
___ Best-fit
___ Worst-fit
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