Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Choose celebrity and brand

You should choose celebrity and brand, which never was before.

Theme board

The theme board should have between 10 minimum and 12 maximum frames. The theme board should use frameworks, concepts of branding to examine the link between a chosen celebrity and chosen brand.

Covering statement

                        This should be useful to  
explain, discuss and evaluate the theme board. This should be submitted along with
your theme board. The word limit for this is 1500 words, +/- 10%. This should be in
essay/article format and not in report format.

Marking criteria for creative and visual theme board – overall weighting of theme board is 50% - size A2, between 10 to 12 visuals

Choose one business brand (product or service or technology or retail) to link with a celebrity brand, currently not linked = 10 marks

Use the brand typology model to demonstrate the link between the business brand and celebrity brand = 10 marks

Demonstrate how the business and celebrity brand might influence one specific target segment = 20 marks

In what way does the business and celebrity brand personality reflect/relate to a typical individual from the target segment = 20 marks

How might the business and celebrity brand project at least two attributes of added value = 20 marks

Project three key business/celebrity brand values? = 20 marks

Ensure the celebrity and brand are not currently linked

Use an image or key words or a form of visual expression,  that will help you encode (visually explain) the link

The celebrity must not be endorsing other brands within the same organisation

PEST model

Use an image or key word or a form of visual expression to express celebrity typology

Use an imaginative visual expression to demonstrate the connect between brand and the endorser

Brand typology

Use visual images to express persona of  the target segment
persona should include  relevant mix from below:

Personality traits
Tastes & hobbies
Others that you think are relevant to your brand

Use pen portraits model
Use visual expression to express brand personality

Use visual expression to express celebrity personality

Use a visual expression to show a clear link back to the target market persona

ELM model

Brand personality model

Meaning transfer model
Use visual expression to show current positioning of brand

Use visual expression to show desired positioning of brand along two attributes of added value model

Visually express how chosen celebrity endorser might help facilitate this linking back to brand
personality model
Levels of product model
Use visual expression to recommend three authentic brand values that you want the brand to project, as a result of the link between brand and chosen endorser?

The theme board should show clear links and progression, between all the visuals from start to finish telling your visual story

Brand values models

Determinants of celebrity endorsement model
Marks out of 10 =
Marks out of 10 =
Marks out of 20 =
Marks out of 20 =
Marks out of 20 =
Marks out of 20 =

Marking criteria for academic covering statement – overall weighting is 50% - 1500 words does not include tables & diagrams, use Harvard Referencing System

Justify choice of business brand (product or service or technology or retail) to link with a celebrity brand, currently not linked = 10 marks, 150 words

Clarify the brand typology  link between the business brand and celebrity brand = 10 marks, 150 words

Discuss how the business and celebrity brand might influence one specific target segment = 20 marks, 300 words

Discuss how business and celebrity brand personality relates to a typical individual from the target segment = 20 marks,
300 words
Evaluate how might the business and celebrity brand project at least two attributes of added value = 20 marks, 300 words

Discuss the three key business/celebrity brand values? = 20 marks, 300 words

Justify your choice of brand and celebrity

Explain and discuss the  visual expression,  that you used to encode the link

Discuss visual expressions used to express brand typology, celebrity typology and  the connect between brand and the endorser

Use relevant model
Discuss the  persona of  the target segment
Persona should have  included  relevant mix from below:
Personality traits
Tastes & hobbies
Others that you think are relevant to your brand
Discuss visual expression to express brand personality

Discuss visual expression to express celebrity personality

Explain how brand/celebrity personalities link back to the target market persona

Use relevant model
Evaluate current versus desired positioning of brand along two attributes of added value

Explain how chosen celebrity endorser might help facilitate this by linking back to personality

Use relevant model
Discuss the recommended three authentic brand values that you want the brand to project, as a result of the link between brand and chosen endorser?

Use relevant model
Marks out of 10 =
Marks out of 10 =
Marks out of 20 =
Marks out of 20 =
Marks out of 20 =
Marks out of 20 =

Harvard Referencing
This is absolutely vital. You must apply this system of referencing to how you reference in the text and how you present your references in the reference section.
You will also be provided with a set of power-point slides with citation and referencing information which will help.  If your work is not properly referenced you are likely to see an impact on your assessment grade.  You also need to make sure that you do not plagiarise as this will result in a fail or worse an inability to pass this year.  If you are unsure what constitutes plagiarism please check your induction material or visit the on-line Library resources. 

HINT:  Have a look at top quality journal articles!

Also:  Refer to the following book which may help your approach and understanding of Harvard referencing:
·         Pears R & Shields G (2013) Cite Them Right: The essential Referencing Guide (9th edition) Basingstoke, Hants: Palgrave Macmillan
·         Recommended Text
·         Chernatony, L., Macdonald, M. and Wallace, E. (4th Edition) Creating Powerful Brands, Elsevier: Butterworth-Heinemann.

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