Thursday, 20 February 2014

Write a paper on a documentary: “Consuming Kids”

Topic: Write a paper on a documentary:

Additional Details:
-The Film “Consuming Kids” must be used. It is viewable online:

-A rubric is also attached for marking details
-The 2 peer reviewed articles are provided within the attachments
-There is a sample paper attached to give you an idea of what is needed.
-Lecture notes are attached in the form of PowerPoint slides which should be referenced using the following text book information:
Tepperman & Curtis. (2013). Principles in Sociology, 3rd Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

What is Sociology - Chapter 1 (covered in powerpoint lecture 1)
Culture and Socialization Chpt 2 (32-45) Chpt 3 (58-70) (covered in lecture 2 power point)
Inequalities of Class, Gender, Ethnicity Chpt 6 (126-129)
Chpt 7 (133-146)
Chpt 8 (158-164 ) (these 3 chapters covered in lecture 3 power point)
Mass Media and Communication -Chapter 17 (covered in lecture 4 powerpoint)

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