For each submission for this assignment, you are to find a news item from a reliable source and explain how this news item is relevant to the concepts studied in this course.
For example: if the news item was about the Bank of Bob (a Canadian bank based in Vancouver) being purchased by Bob’s International Bank (a banking conglomerate based in Elbonia), then you could explain that this was an example of an internationalisation strategy by Bob’s International Bank to break into the Canadian market and that it also involved the ‘regulatory’ part of the external environment. Depending on the circumstances, there might be other concepts that are covered in this example: mergers and acquisitions, for example.
Similarly, articles about a new trade agreement, new local regulations, trade disputes or even world political events can be used for this assignment since they all can be related to concepts discussed in various chapters of the text.
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The point of the assignment is to show you how the concepts discussed in class and in your text play out in ‘real life’ and why keeping up with the news is important.
The assignment should be no more than 2 pages (and probably less) and should be word processed with 1” margins, double-spaced and use a 12-point font.

Important rules:
No information sharing. It is understood that people may end up being interested in – and, therefore, writing about – the same news stories BUT no cooperation of any kind is allowed for the news analysis. You must present your own, individual analysis and perspective. Copying from other students is cheating. Copying from print or online references without citation is cheating. Cite all sources, notably the sources for news stories, and for commentary or analysis you may have read that influenced your own analysis.
Entries should be organized as follows:
1. Your news analysis. Two substantive pages maximum;
2. The reference(s) for your news analysis; include web link for both the news item and any other online sources/resources used (if any);
3. Copy of the news story if not available online (cut & paste or scanned).
The point of the assignment is to show you how the concepts discussed in class and in your text play out in ‘real life’ and why keeping up with the news is important.
The assignment should be no more than 2 pages (and probably less) and should be word processed with 1” margins, double-spaced and use a 12-point font.

Important rules:
No information sharing. It is understood that people may end up being interested in – and, therefore, writing about – the same news stories BUT no cooperation of any kind is allowed for the news analysis. You must present your own, individual analysis and perspective. Copying from other students is cheating. Copying from print or online references without citation is cheating. Cite all sources, notably the sources for news stories, and for commentary or analysis you may have read that influenced your own analysis.
Entries should be organized as follows:
1. Your news analysis. Two substantive pages maximum;
2. The reference(s) for your news analysis; include web link for both the news item and any other online sources/resources used (if any);
3. Copy of the news story if not available online (cut & paste or scanned).
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Relevance and logical reasoning are weighted heavily in the grading, i.e., your ability to identify information central to strategic management, to distinguish facts from opinions and rumours, and to apply the course concepts. Clear and thoughtful writing is rewarded implicitly because credit is given for logical and understandable arguments. Good original thinking may receive extra credit.
Relevance and logical reasoning are weighted heavily in the grading, i.e., your ability to identify information central to strategic management, to distinguish facts from opinions and rumours, and to apply the course concepts. Clear and thoughtful writing is rewarded implicitly because credit is given for logical and understandable arguments. Good original thinking may receive extra credit.
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