Sunday, 19 January 2014

Justice_ Nelson Mandela - Rivonia Trial

consider a real world example where the concept of justice plays an important role. use the Nelson Mandela case in the "Ethical Dilemmas and decisions in criminal justice" by Joycelyn m. Pollock seventh edition book chapter 3. consider the question; is/was justice served? explain why you think justice was or was not served in the case in question. now, consider what you think your strongest opponent would say, and how they would back up their claims, in order to disagree with you. finally , how would you defend your position with respect to their opposition? please give me your opinions and give me your reasons why you hold the opinion you do.
note; about the paper, please do not write more than a few sentences worth of an introduction, and likewise , be as brief as possible with the conclusion. get right to the heart of the matter, giving your reasons why you hold the position you do.

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