Saturday, 18 January 2014

Character Analysis- Dracula by Bram Stoker (John Paul Riquelme)

1) The book Dracula by Bram Stoker edited by John Paul Riquelme should be the main source in giving citations…at least 10 citations from the book
At least 5 citation should be cited from each perspective ……

2) At the end of the book there are 5 essays that exemplify in their readings various theoretical perspectives: New Historical(Gregory Castle), Gender-Oriented( Sos Eltis), Psychoanalytical( Dennis Foster) , Deconstructive perspective and Combined perspective(Jennifer Wicke) .Topic should be viewed and compared through the prism of these perspectives.
3) Paper should be analyzed at least through the prism of 2 perspective for example deconstructive and gender-oriented perspectives …or in another order

For example : In deconstructive perspective: Some of the topics specific to deconstruction are like doubling, resemblance, unreliability, and the various usages of a word.
Requelme indicates numerous cases of doubling in his essay. One of the most prominent example is that Jonathan Harker and Dracula. The resemblance between Harker and Dracula become evident early on, in Chapter 4, when Harker sees Count Dracula crawling lizardlike down the the castle wall. He wonders at that time saying “what manner of man is this, or what manner of creature is it in the semblance of man?”(Dracula 58). Later in the following chapters Harker imitates this act. He begins to resemble Dracula in his ability to scale walls, the question he asked earlier “what manner of man is this?” becomes suitable for them both. As a reader we must assume that he has gone insane.
Another resemblance between Harker and Dracula is that both of them have had some kind of sexual relations with Mina.Mina married Jonathan, but consummates some sort of relation with Dracula when they drink each other's blood.
Requelme focuses not only novel’s characters but also on its language. For instance he finds out that a single word may be repeated in different ways to refer to entirely different things. For example the word “trap” used by Harker has different meaning in a sequence of repetition. At the end of the first chapter Harker describes “ I shouted and bear the side of the caleche, hoping by the noise to scare the wolves from that side, so as to give him a chance of reaching the trap”(Dracula 39). As readers we literally understand the word “trap” as the vehicle in which Harker rides. Later in the beginning of chapter 2, Harker mentions that the coachman takes his “traps” out of the vehicle.“Then he took out my traps, and placed them on the ground beside me as I stood close to a great door,old and studded with large iron nails, and set in a projecting doorway of massive stone”(Dracula 39). This time, the word “trap” refers to his luggage. In the beginning of chapter 3, Harker uses the word in a third way when he describes his response to being a prisoner “ when I look back after a few hours I think I must have been mad for the time, for I behaved much as a rat does in a trap”( Dracula 51). As we can see the quick repetition of the word brings to the fore that it can carry different meanings in different context. Harker traveled in a trap, and he brought traps with him and he has walked willingly into a trap.

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