Saturday 18 January 2014

Hot Zone by Richard Preston

5 page book review on hot zone by Richard Preston.... Double spaced times new roman 12 point font with 1 inch margins .... Professor wants half the paper to be summary and half of the paper to be review of book. My professor wants the review to state the books main thesis and present some back ground information on the author. Also he wants the questions answered on the review part like How well has the book achieved its goal, What has the book left out? how the book compares to others on the subject? What specific points are well sustained and what is not convincing and how does the content relate to you and your field of work. I am a full time student at this time and do not work as an LVN. then finish the review with a conclusion that ties together the issues raised in the review and provides a concise comment on the book. Do u have access to this book bc every other company I asked they want me to upload book and I bought it on my kindle and can not share it

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